October 5, 2011

Reality Check - Cloud is but a Tool

Can you touch Cloud Computing?

No. (This is not a trick question.)

Just like rail tracks, Cloud computing is more of a resource/tool that lets you do stuff. And, just like the rail tracks, back when it was invented, there was a bonanza to build tracks.

Without boring you with a history lesson, suffices to say that while rail tracks perform a vital function in any economy today, the real money for the long haul is to be made somewhere else.

What can you do with the Cloud?

It is therefore interesting to see the most dominant Cloud Computing provider, Amazon, coming out with its own tablet, Kindle Fire. Admittedly, tablet is hot these days with the success of Apple iPad. But, a reasonable question is what does Amazon have to offer that would beat iPad?

Turns out that Amazon probably is not looking to beat Apple in the game of desirous tablets. For Amazon, it is about content and Fire is really more of a delivery channel. Through the Cloud, no less.

This plays to Amazon's strength. It already runs a world class physical content delivery operations with all the rights and access to these content. It already operates one of the most respected Cloud computing platform with a proven record in doing and sending "stuff" on a massive global scale. And, guess what, given what Amazon can do, instead of charging a premium for its design, it could go to the other extreme and sell Fire as a loss-leader.

Now the tablet game begins!

Related entries

* Amazon's tablet biz-model: https://plus.google.com/u/0/104462346399481715282/posts/5QFL4aEtV9n

* Amazon's CDN play: https://plus.google.com/u/0/104462346399481715282/posts/Vo2vLVQyDjW

* Amazon Silk could be the face of Cloud Computing to users: https://plus.google.com/u/0/104462346399481715282/posts/aVmBsW1BoPB

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