April 12, 2011

A Cloudy Future

Cloud Yesterday

In late 2008, I prepared an analysis on Cloud Computing. Richard Stallman thought it was a dumb idea. Larry Ellison quipped that it was just a new phrase for Grid Computing. Marten Mickos was telling me that Cloud Computing is looking compelling. And, it was about to reach the top of the Hype Cycle according to Gartner.

Two years, many conferences, conversations, and self-branded Cloud-ification by all sorts of products and companies later...

Cloud Today

A good proxy on if a technology has staying power is the extent of enterprise adoption since that is where the real money is. Looking at some of these Cloud announcements by global telco players serving enterprise users, Cloud is here to stay.

  • Alcatel-Lucent: launched solution for Applications as a Service (AaaS)
  • Cisco: announced Unified Fabric, Unified Computing, and Unified Network Services for Cloud
  • Fujitsu: announced Private Cloud Services
  • Juniper: added focus on security for Cloud
  • NEC: launched Cloud Tablet
  • NTT America: launched Private Cloud service
  • Orange: announced Cloud push
  • SK Telecom: launched Cloud data center
  • Verizon + SAP: announced SAP CRM via Verizon Cloud

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