June 10, 2011

Talent War 2011

The Siren Sound

As I have noted on the ever shifting employee networks of Silicon Valley given its "at-will" employment contract. The first public salvo came from Google who offered an across the board salary increase in 2011. There are a analyses on the latest winners and losers of the latest "Talent Wars."

Not surprisingly, Apple, Facebook, and Google are all doing well, relatively speaking. The major casualty of the current phase is Yahoo who is losing a bit of its luster lately. The interesting winner is Twitter who, despite the persistent criticism of its lack of business model, is getting a lot of people to join.

* List of winners and losers of the talent war vintage 2011: http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=1501275766337378089&postID=7523281652592663360
* A graphical analysis the current talent war: http://www.focus.com/images/view/42092/

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