June 22, 2011

WDP Free Download (until June 28th)

The Leader's Checklist

Wharton Digital Press (WDP) first book is out. It is a collection of principles to help leaders do the right things by Wharton management professor Michael Useem. This book will be available as a free download until June 28, 2011, see the link below. (I don't think there is a POD, Print on Demand, option for this eBook)

Mission Critical: 15 Principles to Help Leaders Meet Their Toughest Challenges: http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=2799

Digital Insight

It is good to see that WDP is able to leverage assets like Knowledge@Wharton, which I am a faithful reader since inception, as a way to promote the book. On the other hand, it would be nicer for WDP to offer an "one-click" download process to make things simple. But, these are details.

What I really love to know more about is how has this digital publishing process impacted the data collection and analysis given the new level of interactivity. WDP could potentially be a new value-add data broker.

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